
From waste to masterpiece

Rascatura has almost the same simple shape as a crocchè but it is rougher and uneven, with a darker colour. Its origin is a symbol of the popular art of giving new life to stuff usually doomed to become waste, heritage of ages of hunger and misery. As a matter of fact rascatura is obtained by scraping the pans used for the preparation of panelle and crocchè, collecting the waste of the unused dough , mixing and frying it. A mix of chickpea flour, potatoes and parsley in a recipe without a standard.


In fact, the doses of each ingredient depends only by the amount of remaining waste and it is absolutely impossible to find the same identical flavour in any panellaro. Besides, it is easy to find customized recipes using aromas and spices just as the faithfulness to a specific recipe, in this case, it is not definitely fixed.

(Foto ©Vincenzo Puglisi per Crocche.it)